A Walk Through Bergen Past & Present and our Bergen By Minibus tour starts at the address Bradbenken 1.
This is an easy spot to find! It’s located just outside the Bergenhus Fortress entrance. The building is a brown brick office building in front of a parking lot by the bay. It is a 2 minute walk from the Radisson Blu Bryggen.
Click here to view on Google Maps (this marks the spot where the guide will be standing)
Nordnes: Bergen’s Hidden Gem starts at the address Østre Murallmenningen 23, which is a white stone building housing the Aksdal raincoat store. This is a five minute walk from the fish market/tourist office.
Scenic Bergen: From Nordnes to Bryggen starts at The Blue Stone (Den blå steinen), a large stone monument on Torgallmenningen (Bergen’s main pedestrian street).
Welcome to Bergen, cruise ship passengers! Please note that there are three cruise piers in Bergen.
Larger cruise ships dock at Jekteviken, while smaller ones dock at Skolten or Bontelabo.
Past & Present & Minibus Tours
Scenic Bergen Tour
You can check which cruise pier you’re stopping at on the Bergen Harbour website: https://www.bergenhavn.no/en/arrivals. Under ‘type of ship’ select ‘cruise ship’. Then you can find the day you arrive and the name of your ship. It’ll show which cruise pier you’re docking at.
Tell us ahead of time if you are coming with a cruise ship, otherwise we won’t know!
Google Maps takes you a strange way from Jekteviken to our meeting point (Past & Present), so load our guide onto your phone for the most direct and straightforward way to our tour.
Nordnes: Bergen’s Hidden Gem starts at the address Østre Murallmenningen 23, which is a white stone building housing the Aksdal raincoat store. This is a five minute walk from the fish market/tourist office.
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